Happy Tuesday, everyone! Today I’m talking a little bit about my branding process for this site. I tweeted out the other day asking for suggestions on posts to write, and Megan gave me a great idea! In the past I had written a super in depth post about branding, but I really didn’t dive too far into talking about my own brand.
I fought for forever when it came to deciding on my branding colors. I battled with trying to strike a balance between my personality and looking professional. I was afraid to settle on colors that were too ‘girly’ as the advice I’m giving here on MT is great for any online trailblazer, and I didn’t want to isolate any demographic.
Ultimately I ended up throwing caution to the wind when it comes to the visual aspect of my brand, and just went with what made me happy. Is it a bit girly? Sure. A little less professional than I was aiming for? Maybe. But I think it really fits who I am as a person, and I couldn’t be happier with it.